10 Weird Subcultures around the World

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Where: Japan

When: 1970

Sukeban is a term used by Japanese police to identify girl gangs that terrorized Tokyo in the 1970s and 1980s. The police took them rather seriously, even going as far as to call them “the omens of a downfall”, making Sukebans very proud. Shoplifting, drug use, theft, and violence were their staple behavior. In time, the term came to describe only the leader of the gang, rather than all of the members. Several movies were made, depicting the Sukeban subculture. Seinen manga artists were quick to adopt Sukeban into their work, even creating a subgenre for boys, called Oira Sukeban, portraying a young boy dressing as a girl in order to attend all-girls school and becoming a Sukeban.


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