10 Most Expensive Cities to Live in Arizona

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10. Phoenix

Well, well – as mentioned above, we’re starting with Phoenix. At number 10 spot, Arizona’s capital and largest city is rather far from most expensive areas in American southwestern state, but some of its suburbs will find their way to the list, as you’ll later see. Most of services and goods in Phoenix cost less than what’s American average, and same can be said about Phoenix’s boroughs Mesa and Glendale. Groceries, however, seem to be slightly above the national average in terms of prices. Of course, there’s no need to say that Phoenix is one of the best places to live in Arizona given the fact that it’s not that expensive, and that it’s a large city with all amenities close at hand. Even housing indexes are somewhere around the national average, but with so many real estates in Phoenix, you’ll certainly find plenty of choices for every pocket’s depth.

phoenix-198392_1920 10 Most Expensive Cities to Live in Arizona

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