10 Most Common Non-poisonous Snake Species in the World

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8. Kingsnakes  (Lampropeltis genus)

Kingsnakes, the number 8 on our list of most common non-poisonous snake species in the world are widely distributed and one of the most common non-poisonous snakes in North America. Kingsnakes count around 45 subspecies. They are slender, medium-sized (2-6 feet on average) vividly colored snakes with shiny scales (that’s where their Latin name comes from) that many people find attractive and own as pets. Perhaps the common name kingsnake for this species comes from the interesting fact that these snakes often fight other snakes, and also eat them. According to some reseraches, compared with the proportions of various snakes and their muscle mass, kingsnakes are the strongest constrictors in the world.

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