10 Most Annoying YouTube Videos Ever

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7. Rebecca Black – Friday

You knew this would be here. It is astounding how much popular hatred this video achieved ever since it came out, but as to the “why”, there’s no mystery. Awesome website Urban Dictionary accurately defines Rebecca as: “Annoying teenage singer who sings the song “Friday”. Autotune can’t save her nasally monotone voice, her facial expressions are annoying, and her lyrics were written by 5-year-olds that are learning their days of the week.” Furthermore, even though I’m not one to advocate in favor of violence, the previous combination makes me want to punch her so bad it hurts. Of course, I wouldn’t do that; making her cry, however, would be totally valid and quite pleasurable, I reckon.

Face it, Rebecca, no one wants to “get down” with annoying little you, especially on a Friday, we’ve got better things to do. It doesn’t even look like the people in the video can stand her, they all just seem super uncomfortable with forced extra-large smiles on their faces.

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