10 Most Annoying Questions to Ask a Pregnant Woman

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10. Was it planned? / Were you trying to get pregnant?

Honestly, you wouldn’t think so many people would be interested in whether or not your unborn child was an accident, but it’s amazing how often this question will pop up throughout a woman’s pregnancy. For whatever reason, every doctor you visit is going to need to know if you mistakenly ended up with a baby in your belly, and even though I don’t particularly see how that bit of inside info is crucial or even necessary for he/she to determine whether or not you and your baby are healthy, I don’t argue and I answer honestly.

But I don’t stand alone when I say, “this is really nobody’s business!” Unfortunately, (and especially if you were brought up in a Christian family) the people most interested in the answer to this question are typically family members. That’s definitely the group of people you would least likely want to share this with.

It’s really okay to let those bold enough to ask you this know that it’s none of their business. But if you’d rather put it a tad more gently, just simply say, “I really don’t see why that matters,” because, in all reality, it’s a little too late to be trying to figure out if this all happened by accident.

10 Most Annoying Questions to Ask a Pregnant Woman


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