10 Most Annoying Bugs Found in Your House

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9. House Fly

There are many different classifications of flies, but without a doubt, the house fly that ranks 9th in our list of the most annoying bugs found in your house is the most common of them all in the house. Hence the name, house fly. Often a grayish-black color, and generally smaller than 7.5 mm in length with wings and four black stripes on their thorax, flies are known to carry more than 100 pathogens that can cause diseases in humans and animals alike, such as dysentery, tuberculosis, typhoid, and cholera. Although these are rare extremes, these conditions are not to be taken lightly, as they have pretty common symptoms (fever, stomach ache, constipation or diarrhea, etc.) and in severe cases can result in death if left untreated! Bet you didn’t realize how serious your fly problem can get! You see, they have these tiny little hairs on their body, called tarsi; which can pick up and  harbor an insane amount of bacteria from all the disgusting things you often find flies on (garbage, rotting food, feces… you get the idea).

So, considering house flies are more than just a buzzing nuisance in the house, it wouldn’t hurt to take proper precautions on controlling them in and around the home. You need to understand that flies need a suitable place to lay their eggs, so naturally, you wouldn’t want to have such places strewn about your property. These places are typically warm, moist, and definitely a place where there is a sufficient food supply for their larvae. Keeping in mind that these little guys will feed off of the waste of other animals, ridding your house and its surroundings of proper grounds for female house flies to lay their hundreds of eggs can be harder than it sounds. Keep lids on trash cans and pet food dishes clean and in cool, dry areas; dispose of pet waste properly—that sort of thing. If you find that you already have an infestation, find this breeding site and remove it entirely! If it is something that cannot necessarily be removed, then clean it as best you can!

After eradicating the fly’s breeding site, you can now focus on better controlling the adult flies left in your house. Fly bait, fly tape, traps or insecticide are all affordable options that can be easily found. If you find that these options don’t help I’d be in your best interest to call an exterminator before your problem gets out of control [again], but before you do, you may want to try out some more natural remedies that folks tend to swear by. Such as water-filled plastic bags. You literally fill plastic bags half full with water, seal the opening and hang them in doorways, patios, any kind of entry way to your home. The water in the bag will disorient the fly from its reflection in addition to appearing as a spiderweb through the eyes of the fly!

10 Most Annoying Bugs Found in Your House

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