10 Easiest Fictional Characters to Dress Up As

7. Powerpuff Girls

Most of us grew up watching the Powerpuff Girls and they’ve stuck with us through the years. The girls are incredibly easy to dress up as for any party, especially if you’re going with your girlfriends in order to complete the trip.

So, what do you need to for the number 7 in our list of easiest fictional characters to dress up as? Well, you need a green dress for Buttercup, a pink one for Blossom and a light blue one for Bubbles. Pair those with black belts and appropriate hairdos and wigs (if necessary), and you’ve got your costume complete. You can add white stockings and black flats if you want to be really accurate about it all, but you can probably forgo the stockings and even pick stilettos if you’re feeling like it.