10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

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7. Pears

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 3.1

Health Benefits:

This inexpensive fruit contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals that will keep you strong and healthy:

Vitamin C – for your stable immune system;
Vitamin K – for preventing blood clotting;
Vitamin A – for the health of your eyes.

We are continuing our list of easiest fiber foods to digest with pears that contain potassium which we have already described as crucial for the health of the heart and muscles in general and copper for protection against cells’ damages. In 2011 American Heart Association found that eating a pear each day can reduce the risk of stroke by an amazing 52%. Due to the high content of fiber and low glycemic index pears are highly recommendable food for diabetics. There is also widespread belief that pears are hypoallergenic fruit. That is why this is usually the first among fruits given to the babies.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

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