10 Easiest Countries to Adopt from Foster Care

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7. Ukraine

We are continuing our list of easiest countries to adopt from foster care with Ukraine that has an increasing number of poor families without proper healthcare, which is why there are over 100,000 children in foster care. According to MLJ Adoption, children in Ukraine are left without any care as soon as they turn 16 and about 60 percent of boys become criminals, 50 percent of girls go into prostitution, and 10 to 15 percent commit suicide during the first year of independence. This is why Ukraine developed a unique adoption program that takes less than one year. Children are available for adoption from 9 years old to teenagers, but siblings and those with special needs can be adopted sooner.

New parents don’t get to choose the child they get. The child is instead chosen by a social worker after home study reviews. Married couples with or without children who are willing to adopt must be at least 25 years old and 15 years older than the child. They also must have no criminal record. There is currently no existing protocol for single parents.

10 Easiest Countries to Adopt from Foster Care


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