10 Easiest Countries to Adopt from Foster Care

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8. Haiti

Because of the high poverty rate, there are about 200,000 children in foster care in Haiti that ranks 8th in our list of easiest countries to adopt from foster care. The country is seeking more and more adoptive parents to help these children, which is why the process is much simpler compared to other places. Children can be adopted from infants to teenagers. Haiti offers a Waiting Child Program for children with special needs, siblings, or older children. This program allows future parents to access all pieces of information about the child, like medical paperwork, pictures, and progress reviews.

Single moms and couples who have been married for at least five years can apply to adopt from Haiti. It’s required that at least one parent is older than 30, but neither should be more than 50 or have a criminal history. There is no limit to how many children can already be in the household before adopting from Haiti as long as the family has a high enough income. Parents should travel to Haiti at least three times. First, to meet the child and spend at least two weeks with them and a social worker. Second, to go to family court to make the decision legal. Third, to take the child home. Both parents are encouraged to go on these visits.

10 Easiest Countries to Adopt from Foster Care

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