10 Best Snow Blowers On The Market For The 2016-2017 Winter

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8. Power Smart DB7651

Mentions – 2

Price – $697

If you live in an area that gets a lot of snow in the winter, then you may want to take into consideration this particular model on our list of best snow blowers on the market for the 2016-2017 winter. If you want to be sure you have a way to get out your house when that snowstorm has settled, then you should invest some money into a quality snow blower, such as the Power Smart DB 7651.

This snow blower has a lot of power under the hood, working with a 4-cycle engine with a displacement of 208 cubic centimeters, so you may want to make sure not burying the neighbors under a fresh layer of snow. There are 4 speeds for going forward and another two for reverse. Once you get it started, all you have to do is make sure you steer it right.

10 Best Snow Blowers On The Market For The 2016-2017 Winter

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