10 Best Places to Retire in Austria

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9. Salzburg

Due to the unique combination of alpine peaks and rich architecture, Salzburg, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, which easily explains why it is also known as the “German Rome”. It is also the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, so it is no surprise that the musical life of Salzburg is extremely rich. Every year Salzburg hosts over 4000 cultural events; “Salzburg Festival” is considered as one of the most important in the world. For the cost of living in this city, it is necessary to allocate around $4,040. Apartment price, per square meter, is of $3,420, and renting a one-bedroom apartment rquires $780. The index of health care is 97.22/100. Salzburg has a continental climate with an average temperature of almost 58ºF, with 46 inches of annual rainfall.

Best Places to Retire in Austria

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