10 Best Places to Retire in Austria

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10. Vienna

Vienna, which presents the center of the waltz, art, culture, and so-called “Vienna School”, is also the capital of Austria with about 1.71 million inhabitants. City Center, also known as the “Inner City”, was included on the World Heritage List, mainly due to a number of architectural monuments, baroque palaces and parks, as well as the monumental palace on the Ringstrasse. In addition to cultural and historical sights, Vienna offers a variety of entertainment activities for all ages. For the cost of living, it is necessary to allocate $3,880 and for renting a one-bedroom apartment is required to around $870.  Apartment price per square meter is of $6,090. Vienna has a continental climate, with warm summers and cold winters, with an average temperature of 58ºF, and 24 inches of rainfall per year. Healthcare is at a high level, and the index of health care is 78.6 /100 points.

Best Places to Retire in Austria

Alex Poison/Shutterstock.com

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