10 Best Kid’s Classes Under $50 in NYC

If you think it’s impossible to find the best kid’s classes under $50 in NYC, then we are here to prove you wrong, but also to help you learn something new.

New York City is a hub of all sorts of activity. In NYC, your kids have the opportunity to learn anything they desire, be it sports, arts, music or even martial arts, you can find a suitable class for them in the city. As parents we always want to provide our kids with the best, and that is true when selecting classes as well. However, there can be a tiny bit of problem regarding selecting the right class for you kid, and that may be the budget. If anything, New York City is not known for its low cost of living, in fact, NYC is one of the most expensive cities in the entire world. Unless you are a millionaire, you must consider the cost. If you are a millionaire, then you can skip this article, but if you not then this article will certainly help you pick out one or more budget friendly classes for your kids. You don’t have to break the bank to find quality music classes for toddlers in NYC, or other kids classes for that matter.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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The massive City of New York is home to over 8 million people, and among which many are kids. It is almost criminal not to allow kids the support they need to grow and flourish as individuals. Relying only on school for your kid’s education can leave your kid behind the competition later in life. Schools definitely offer extra curricular activities for kids to some extent, but kids need much more than what an average school can provide them with. This is where these classes come in. Also, if your kid has a special kind of talent, then you can utilize these classes to help them develop on that special skill. Who knows where your kid might go, if given the proper support for extra curricular activity alongside proper education.

While working on this list, we focused primarily on classes that will offer you the best value for your money. That basically means, even though the classes we are going to discuss are cheap, these classes will help your kid quite a lot. We know that not every kid likes the same kind of activity, therefore we tried our best to keep the list as varied as possible. You can expect to see all sorts of classes in our list, from arts to dance to even cooking. This ensures that no matter what your kids may be interested in, you will be able to find a suitable class for them in our today’s list. If you are interested in finding something really unique, then check out this article on 6 Unique Kids Classes in NYC.

Let’s talk a little bit about our methodology, shall we? To make this list possible, we consulted the rich database of Class Curious, our go to website whenever we are looking for classes to take in NYC. We also employed the help of Google’s trusty search engine. To be honest, there are not many kid’s classes under $50, but we did find a few, and through this list we wish to share our findings with our readers. You will find that our list is ranked by class price, so the cheapest option will be at the top of our list.

Let’s get our list of 10 best kid’s classes under $50 in NYC started, so you can save some money and time searching for classes.

10. Young Chefs Academy

Price: $45

If cooking is something your kid’s interested in then, Young Chefs Academy is the way to go. They offer a variety of cooking classes for various age groups. Apart from regular cooking classes, they offer themed cooking classes. Each class costs $45 and is definitely worth your money. They have some really fun classes that teache kids how to utilize leftovers, this will teach your kids not be wasteful with food. If you are thinking about sending your kid to a cooking class, then this is it.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock.com

9. Voilà Chocolat

Price: $45

Every New Yorker who loves chocolate knows about Voilà Chocolat, which is an amazing chocolate shop, where you not only are able to buy chocolates, but if you wish you can learn how to make chocolates as well. We deemed this class to be perfect for our list because kids just love chocolates and it is in the human nature to excel at what we are interested in. Therefore, your kid will definitely enjoy making chocolates and be good at it. There are quite a few options regarding the type of chocolate you want to make, so do take a look before you finalize your section.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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8. RockStar Guitar

Price: $44.75

At number 8 on our list of 10 best kid’s classes under $50 in NYC, we have RockStar Guitar. From the name alone you can tell that this class is going to be all about guitars. When it comes to music, guitar is an extremely important instrument. It does not matter what type of music your kid is interested in, it is highly likely that they will definitely enjoy playing around with a guitar. If you want to your kid to develop strong skills with the guitar, then we highly recommend that you consider sending him to RockStar Guitar for lessons.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock.com

7. iDance Studio

Price: $35

iDance Studio is well known for providing amazing dance training to both kids and adults. However, for our purposes today, we will only focus on classes for kids. iDance Studio specializes in exotic dance forms like belly dance and other oriental dances. But, for kids they only offer Lezginka dance classes. This is really an amazing variety of dance, which is not only unique but also very easy to grasp for young kids. If you want your kid to learn to dance on a budget, then this is the place for you. We are talking about the drop in class here, you can either purchase a package, which will cost you more, but you can always utilize the drop in option for a quick class.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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6. The Art Fiesta Studio

Price: $20

The Art Fiesta Studio is all about art, and we are not talking about just one single form of art here, rather they offer classes for a wide variety of arts and crafts for both kids and adults. However, in keeping with our budget, we selected the clay art class for kids for this list. Clay art can be a really interesting form of self-expression for kids. Kids are always creative, coming up with new ideas about how to express themselves in a variety of ways. If you can channel this creativity into a tangible form of art, then your kid can really blossom as an individual.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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5. Arte Capoeira Center

Price: $20

Capoeira is a form of martial arts developed in Brazil. To put it simply, it is a form of self-defense technique that incorporates elements of dance acrobatics and music. As the website of Arte Capoeira Center mentions “Capoeira is an excellent activity for kids as it blends discipline and creativity. Not only does it strengthen the whole body, but it also helps kids to develop a wide variety of skills including; flexibility, balance, focus and basic percussion techniques”. If your kid is interested in more physical activities, then this is perhaps the best class for them, for the money.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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4. Resobox

Price: $20

At number 4, we have Resobox’s crocheting and amigurumi making class for kids. If you are wondering what is crocheting and amigurumi, then to put it simply “crocheting” is a knitted stuffed toy. Amigurumi is the term used to describe the Japanese art of “crocheting.” If your kid is creative and enthusiastic about Japanese culture, then you do not need to look further. Resobox, also has a lot of other classes inspired by the Japanese culture, you can also pick from them. However, we think that the crocheting and amigurumi making classes offer the best value.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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3. Sword Class NYC

Price: $35

Sword Class NYC is well known for its fencing classes and other classes involving the sword. However, there is nothing to worry about when sending your kids to their classes as they will be in a completely safe environment and trained by professionals. Sword fighting is no longer a necessary skill for survival, but it can teach a lot about discipline, coordination, critical thinking and physical fitness. All of these skills are absolutely essential in life.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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2. The Crafty Kids

Price: $15

Coming in at number 2 we have the crafty hour offered by The Crafty Kids. This class is all about teaching kids different art techniques in a fun and innovative way. Kids often do not react well if they are taught something against their will. But, kids love having fun and the guys over at The Crafty Kids know how to make learning seem like fun. This is basically another art class for kids, we could not pass it up as you pay only $15 for this class, which is a steal in our opinion.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC


1. Q.E.D.

Price: $10

Like everything else, our list must come to an end. The good news is, at number 1 we have the cheapest class for your kids to go to. For a mere $10, you can teach your kids how to juggle. Of course, your kids will not be juggling with knives or any other dangerous objects, but they will be learning from instructors who are quite comfortable juggling fireballs or knives. You can rest assured that you kids will be in good hands. For the money you are paying, we do not think any other class can beat Q.E.D.’s Juggle lessons.

Best Kid's Classes Under $50 in NYC

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That wraps it up our list of best kid’s classes under $50 in NYC.