10 Best and Worst Nationalities of Women According to Microsoft Bing?

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8. Italy

On the 8th position on our list of best and worst nationalities of women according to Microsoft Bing are Italian women! For them, Microsoft Bing showed that they are “attractive,” “thin,” “short,” out of which the first two we considered as positive, while short we left as neutral. Some men like short women, while others don’t. In any case, it cannot really determine if they are among the best or worst. On the other hand, we got as obviously negative remark – “aggressive.” I think the most aggressive Italian women are mothers. They are so protective of their children, especially sons, that this finding could be quite true. Also, they are known to be talkative and in that sense aggressive while talking, more than in the sense of physically being aggressive.

10 Best and Worst Nationalities of Women According To Microsoft Bing?

Nadya Lukic/Shutterstock.com

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