The 10 Best Countries To Work In the World

If you are looking to move, then knowing which are the best countries to work in the world could greatly help you to make the right decision. After all, people spend a large part of their day at work and thus, good working conditions make a huge difference in quality of life. Some countries simply offer a greater working environment than others, whether it is due to shorter shifts, better compensation, perks that come with the job, or legislature that protects employees.

Those of you who are interested in the job market, should also check out one of our previous articles regarding the 10 best financial services companies to work for. Much like the countries we will present you with in the current list, these financial services companies offer their employees a friendly workplace. Yet it is not only about going to work in a nice environment and feeling comfortable. When talking about the best countries to work in the world we must take into account other factors, such as being able to achieve a good balance between job, family, and leisure.

When taking a glance around the world, what undoubtedly comes to mind is the lack of such balance in most nations. The US for instance does not require employers to offer their workers paid vacation time, whereas in the European Union, this mandate is implemented thoroughly. If we take into account other aspects, such as mandatory maternity leave or the amount of hours worked per week, we come to an interesting conclusion: Americans simply work too much in comparison to the population of other developed nations. So which are the best countries to work in the world? Well, after carefully analyzing data regarding vacation time, maternity leave, job/leisure balance, and overall work hours, we have come up with the following list.

10. Germany

Working just 27.8 hours per week on average, Germans enjoy some of the shortest work-days amongst OECD countries. Yet despite working far less than others, living standards in Germany are very high, meaning you actually have time to enjoy your salary.

9. Bulgaria

If you are planning on starting a family, then Bulgaria is definitely a great place to live. Maternity leave can be extended as far as 410 days, while mothers continue to receive around 90% of their salary! Not a bad deal…
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8. Brazil

Although Brazil might be lacking the living standards of a European nation, when it comes to vacations days it is amongst the best places to work in the world. Workers can take up to 41 days of paid vacation, which is more than enough time to travel or enjoy Brazil’s sunny beaches.
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7. France

The French not only work far less than everyone else in the world, but are also allowed to take a great deal of time off while still getting paid. If anyone wants to try and change this situation, they would have to face the massive strikes France is known for.
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6. Finland

Everything seems to work perfectly in Finland, including job legislation. Paid vacations are similar to those of Brazil and France, while less than 0.05% of the Finnish population works more than 50 hours a week.

5. Netherlands

If you want to work less than anywhere else in the world, the Netherlands is just the right place for you. What better way to guarantee a good balance between life and work, than by offering 27.6 hour weeks, long maternity leaves, and 28 days of paid vacation?

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4. Norway

Norway is another family-friendly country, which offers parents up to 47 weeks of fully-paid parental leave. What sets this country apart from the rest, is the fact that mothers as well as fathers can take this leave, sharing the time off as they best see fit.
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3. Denmark

If you want to have a great balance between life and work, then Denmark is certainly a good place to start. If you manage to get past the language barrier, then you can enjoy around 16 hours of personal time per day, 34 days of paid vacation, and a salary that will allow you to live well in one of the most developed nations in the world.
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2. Lithuania

Despite not being a particularly rich country, Lithuania is one of the most desirable places to work. Generous maternity leaves and long paid vacations are a concrete reality in this small European nation.

1. Sweden

Sweden is not only one of the richest and most developed countries in the world, it is also the best place to work. Parental leave is 480 days and parents can either take this time off all at once, or spread it out throughout the first eight years of their kid’s life. A great job/leisure balance and 36 paid vacation days are other perks of working in Sweden.