Pixelated Digital Camouflage vs. Traditional Camouflage For Hunting and Combat

Today, we will discuss the pros and cons of pixelated digital camouflage vs. traditional camouflage for hunting and combat. Warfare has become incredibly advanced in recent years due to technological developments, and if you are interested in these developments, I recommend you to check our list of 11 most technologically advanced military weapons as well. I bet you will find it as interesting as this one.

Camouflage is an integral part in both hunting and combat in the military, and it isn’t hard to see why. After all, if you are out hunting and the animal can easily spot you, it will run and hide, and you won’t be able to get a decent shot. This reduces your effectiveness and the chances of success in capturing the animal. Similarly, if you are in the army or the military, and you are engaged in combat, camouflage is important not just to enable you to sneak up on the enemy undetected and thus to have a much better chance of winning the battle, but also to prevent the enemy from spotting you easily which will give you the opportunity to attack first.

Pixelated Digital Camouflage vs. Traditional Camouflage For Hunting and Combat


For snipers engaged in combat, camouflage is an absolute necessity. They often spend several hours and even days in the same position and thus, camouflage is essential for their protection. Furthermore, this allows them to take aim without fear which will make them even more precise as well.

Of course, camouflage isn’t only used for people. In fact, camouflage is used for various military vehicles such as trucks and tanks which can also pass by undetected. Furthermore, these are often painted in the same manner, which makes it difficult for the opposition to count the number of vehicles by determining the differences in the camo. In this case, since the opposition is unable to determine the correct number, it may overuse or under-use its resources.

Since different landscapes have different backgrounds, you will need separate camouflage uniforms for each environment. Over the decades, the United States, as well as other countries, have continuously updated their camouflage uniforms for each environment and each branch of the military. Now let’s continue with our article and expand your knowledge about pixelated digital camouflage vs. traditional camouflage for hunting and combat.

3. Determining a change

As time passed by, the United States thought that there was a better way to attain camouflage other than the traditional way, and in 2004, they introduced the pixelated digital camouflage at a massive cost of over $5 billion. You might be wondering why exactly they wanted to improve on an already excellent idea. The thing is, for the United States, nothing is perfect enough. They believe that everything can be improved upon if you just keep throwing money at it. After all, a single camouflage design can only work in a specific period. What could be better than introducing a design which would work for all situations? The simple answer was that such a design did not work in a single environment and was universally criticized. This led to an entire revamping of the camouflage design.

Pixelated Digital Camouflage vs. Traditional Camouflage For Hunting and Combat

Straight 8 Photography/Shutterstock.com

2. Success is a slippery slope

Of course, admitting they were wrong is not the US way. Hence, millions of dollars were sunk into the project, and various designs were outsourced, after which some were finally selected. This long and arduous process resulted in the creation of a much better pixelated digital camouflage. A pixellated digital camouflage combines the use of long blotchy patterns which are excellent for long distances and small patterns which are useful for close ranges.

How well does this work you ask? Well, in a nutshell, cadets who had the perfect color vision, as well as 20/20 visions, took 2.5 seconds at least to detect men wearing the new camouflage while it took them barely a second to detect men wearing the traditional camouflage colors. In hunting, every second can be extremely crucial in allowing the hunters to carry out their objectives successfully. In combat, even a millisecond could result in saving a person’s life. And saving a life is priceless. Potentially savings tens of thousands cannot be equivalent to anything. Thus, in this case, the billions of dollars have been well spent. Now, let’s see the conclusion when it comes to pixelated digital camouflage vs. traditional camouflage for hunting and combat.

Pixelated Digital Camouflage vs. Traditional Camouflage For Hunting and Combat


1. Conclusion

Pixelated digital camouflage may be more costly, and may have had a tough history, but its benefits are quite simply massive. Technology has made its presence felt everywhere, and the camouflage industry is no exception either. So when we ask the question about pixelated digital camouflage vs. traditional camouflage for hunting and combat, the answer is quite simple.

Pixelated Digital Camouflage vs. Traditional Camouflage For Hunting and Combat
