25 Most Popular Mommy and Parenting Blogs

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25 most popular mommy and parenting blogs will show you some of the mom blogs that are all the rage these days.

For some reasons, moms just love blogging, and reading blogs. You’d think they’d have enough to do chasing around young children, but most moms also prefer to document it on the web. Since reading blogs is so popular, it works well as a source of supplemented income for stay at home moms. Plus, most parenting advice you have to know from first hand experience, and these moms certainly have that experience. Why not?

25 Most Popular Mommy and Parenting Blogs

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

So we’d like to commend some of these multitasking mom bloggers. A few of the ones on this list have additional jobs, write books, or  just plain make their life look effortless with the most stunning blog photography. How do they do it?

Whether we understand how or not, they do. And everyone loves to read about it.

To find out the most popular mom blogs on the internet, we went to a website called Bloglovin’. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s basically a social media strictly for blogs and blog articles. Users can follow their favorite blogs, and keep up with their latest posts by scrolling through their feed. They can also like, share and save blog posts they love.

Granted, every single blog on the internet doesn’t hold a space on Bloglovin’, but the majority of them do, especially the popular ones, which we’re focusing on. For our list, we simply looked at the amount of followers each blog has and chose the mom blogs that have more than 1,000 followers. So, the blogs at the beginning of this list have a little over 1,000 followers, while the ones at the end have followers ranging from 20 to 40 thousand.

Before we begin, know that the pictures chosen for this article are not of the actual bloggers. To find pictures of them, you’ll have to follow the link provided for each blog. Their Bloglovin’ account was also linked to.

We hope you enjoy reading our list of 25 most popular mommy and parenting blogs. (Also, for more great blogs, see  Best Lifestyle Blogs for 20 Somethings.) And moms, know that if they can do it, you can do it too.

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