14 Crazy Facts About Hawaii

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Crazy facts are fun, and here are some crazy facts about Hawaii. Hawaii is a lush grouping of islands teeming with rainforests sprinkling the mountainous region, billowing volcanoes that sometimes still erupt with fury and without warning, and with some of the most spectacular coastal locales you can find in the USA, and even the world.



But every place has its quirks right? Surely nothing is “normal.” What is normal anyway? Hawaii is a beautiful archipelago made up of eight incredible islands all displaying their own special beauty. This is the only US state that does not have another body of land attached to it, it’s completely surrounded by water, in fact it’s thousands of mile away from the USA. If you’re a coffee lover, then you’re in luck because this state is the only one able to cultivate the bean, so grab a cup or two because you’ll need plenty of energy to explore and discover this beautiful location.

Before you get to know Hawaii on a physical level, it would be good to know more facts about this interesting state. Hawaii is quite different from the other states as you will soon find out. Just like we have an awesome list of crazy facts about Japan that you wouldn’t believe, you just might not believe some of these crazy facts about Hawaii.…Aloha!

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