12 Countries with the Cleanest Tap Water

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Out of the ongoing water pollution and insufficiency, there still exist the countries with the cleanest tap water. It’s amazing how these states have invented a way of effectively recycling their used water to a potable one. Let’s face it, there is no new water and we are only re-using the old water the dinosaurs have consumed. Another point to consider is that only 1% of the world’s water is potable, the rest is salt or sea water that would dehydrate you and turn your body as dry as a fish out of the water (if you ever plan on utilizing it). Yet, we act as if we have an unlimited source of safe water to drink. If not for the highly developed filtering system we use to sanitize our water, we’ll not have enough water to supply our thirst. Always remember this, a clean water doesn’t only help one person or one household, it helps the whole nation and the world to keep up with the tasks that require water and of course, to save us from the dreadful effects of dehydration.

You might see familiar entries from our previous post about the 11 countries with the cleanest water in the world! We firmly believe that once you’re able to spot on the top countries with the cleanest tap water, you might just start doing something about to improve it. Big steps won’t even exist if not for the baby steps, right?

But seriously, how come these same countries always get the spotlight of being the best at this and that all at the same time? What kind of magic and potion they use to clean their water (oh no, please don’t expect a list of potion recipes here)? Is your country included in the list? Prepare to be gulped into your seats as we present you, the 12 countries with the cleanest tap water in the world!

12. New Zealand

Yes mate, New Zealand ranks the last in our list and yes it is safe to drink their water directly from the faucet in households which is not bad compared to other parts of the world where they don’t even have access to potable water. New Zealand has their own advanced way of filtering their water. If you’re residing in New Zealand, then you’re one of the luckiest to have the readily available tap water that is maintained by your higher authorities.



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