10 Most Corrupt US Presidents in History

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10. Ulysses S. Grant

There is no denying that Grant was a war hero, but he was certainly not fit to become the president of the country, a fact he himself acknowledged. He was mainly elected due to his overwhelming popularity after the led the North to victory against the South. During his tenure, land and money grants were provided to railroad companies, while it was discovered that some members of the Congress had been bribed to act in favor of the Union Pacific Railroad. While it looks like Grant himself did not profit off these activities, he oversaw one of the most corrupt administrations in the country’s history. I believe it unlikely that he was simply unaware of everything, and find it more believable that he simply let it happen rather than stop it, which definitely indicates corruption and weakness on his part.

10 Most Corrupt US Presidents in History

Copyright: yamabikay / 123RF Stock Photo

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