10 Easy Drinking Games Without Anything But Alcohol

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If you want to make your weekend more entertaining, you are in the right place because we created a list of 10 easy drinking games without anything but alcohol. If you had enough from work or college, it is finally time to relax with your friends while playing a drinking game.

During the hot summer days when it is impossible to go out and have a drink or two, why not make your day or night more interesting with your partner or a friend. If you want to do something interesting but you don’t know what, you can check our list of 7 Best Drinking Games Without Cards for 2 Players. These games will make your evening or night interesting and entertaining.

Today, regardless of the season, many people are spending time in front of their screens chatting with their friends instead of going out. Even when they go out from time to time, they cannot take their eyes away from their smartphones. A few years back, they were checking their phones to see if they got a mail from their boss, but today, they are using it to check how many likes they got on their pictures on social media. We are living in isolated bubbles in the form of social media and we are forgetting how to communicate with each other. This is why drinking games will help you have fun, socialize with your friends and get closer while slamming those shots. You don’t need a smartphone, tablet or a laptop to have fun. Even though there are many drinking games connected to technology, there are many which aren’t like these easy drinking games without anything but alcohol.

10 Easy Drinking Games Without Anything But Alcohol

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

There are many drinking games which are a lot more sophisticated and difficult for understanding which is often leading to anger and bickering, especially when you are tipsy. Just because the rules aren’t very clear you will need to spend an hour listening to someone explaining them and in the end, you still don’t know what you should do. The goal of the drinking games is to have fun with your friends and not to get into an argument whether this is the right way to play the game or not and to ruin the night for everybody.

Because of this reason, to avoid rough arguments or any hassles, we decided to create a list of drinking games that are simple. We explained the games in a simplest possible way and the next time you want to relax with your friends, regardless whether you are at home or at some party, make sure you know how to play these games to make the night even more interesting and fun.

In order to create our list of easy drinking games without anything but alcohol, we used The Orion and Lords of The Drinks as our sources to see what are the easiest drinking games. When we collected the information from our sources, we completed our list by taking the drinking games which are mentioned the most times. Those games which were mentioned the most times in our sources were ranked higher on our list.

Now, enough of talking, let’s jump on the list of easy drinking games without anything but alcohol and start preparing for the next party.

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