Hedge Fund - VenBio Select Advisor

Behzad Aghazadeh Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Behzad Aghazadeh is venBio Select Advisor's portfolio manager. venBio returned more than 60% during the first 11 months of 2014.

Behzad Aghazadeh
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: VenBio Select Advisor
Manager Behzad Aghazadeh
Portfolio Value $7,508,400,483
Change This QTR +0.88%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. UTHR 2,858,888 $910,698,772 12.12%
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc.
2,055,555 $575,884,289 +6% 7.66%
3. ASND 4,196,661 $572,340,627 +6% 7.62%
4. ARGX 1,238,467 $532,590,349 7.09%
5. SRPT 3,000,000 $474,000,000 -31% 6.31%
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