Top 20 Medical Schools in the US – 2016 Rankings

What are the top medical schools in the US in 2016? Though medical schools are one of the most expensive college choices students in the US can make, enrollment rates remain on the high side. The reason is simple. Their graduates are paid extremely well compared to most professions, though some specialties are paid more than the others (see the 10 highest-paid medical specialties). However, if you may think that medicine is basically the same field and where you choose to further your education don’t change your future income, you couldn’t be more wrong. Some programs have a better reputation for providing top quality studies than others and this affects your future earnings.

Another fact about medical schools is that they are very expensive (you should check out our list of 10 most affordable medical schools if price is an important factor in your decision). However, this is an indirect result of high cost of medical research and services. United States made several important advances in medical care just in the past decade. The constant increase in the cost of medical care has been pushing some Americans into seeking countries with the cheapest medical care but this won’t affect the demand for high quality medical care in this country. Overall, the future of this profession is bright and actually we expect wealthy foreigners to seek medical help at an increasing rate in the coming years.

In this article, we would like to present you with the list of the top 20 medical schools in the US.. In order to come up with our countdown, we took a look at the 2014 statistics released by US News, which ranked medical schools across the country according to two main indicators: research and primary care. For their primary care list, US News experts took a look at 128 medical programs across the US and evaluated them according to quality. Their main indicators were peer assessments, assessments provided by residency directors, percentage of graduates moving to primary care residencies, student selectivity, and GPA and MCAT scores.

If you’re looking forward to enrolling in a medical school, but don’t know which program to choose, then this is the list for you. Let’s take a look at the countdown.

best medical schools in 2014

No. 20: University of Pittsburgh

Full time, in state tuition: $46,962

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $48,138

Total enrollment: 602

No. 19: Indiana University at Indianapolis

Full time, in state tuition: $33,019

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $51,888

Total enrollment: 1,363

best medical colleges indianapolis

No. 18: Dartmouth College – Geisel

Full time, in state tuition: $53,432

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $53,432

Total enrollment: 367

Dartmouth College Medical School

No. 17: University of Iowa – Carver

Full time, in state tuition: $32,370

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $48,852

Total enrollment: 607

University of Iowa Medical School

No. 16: University of California – Davis

Full time, in state tuition: $34,874

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $47,119

Total enrollment: 415

UC Davis Medical School

No. 15: University of Pennsylvania – Perelman

Full time, in state tuition: $48,738

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $48,738

Total enrollment: 665

UPenn Medical School

No. 14: University of Colorado – Denver

Full time, in state tuition: $33,663

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $59,618

Total enrollment: 646

Best medical schools

No. 13: University of California at Los Angeles – Geffen

Full time, in state tuition: $31,134

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $43,379

Total enrollment: 771

Top medical schools

No. 12: Baylor College of Medicine

Full time, in state tuition: $19,650

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $19,650

Total enrollment: 747

Baylor College of Medicine Logo

No. 11: Harvard University

Full time, in state tuition: $52,000

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $52,000

Total enrollment: 708

Medical School

No. 10: University of Wisconsin – Madison

Full time, in state tuition: $23,807

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $33,704

Total enrollment: 698

Medical school

No. 9: Michigan State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Full time, in state tuition: $40,112

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $82,071

Total enrollment: 1,252

University of Michigan

No. 8: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

Full time, in state tuition: $29,956

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $47,904

Total enrollment: 687

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

No. 7: University of Nebraska Medical Center

Full time, in state tuition: $27,992

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $67,604

Total enrollment: 510

University of Nebraska Medical Center

No. 6: University of Minnesota

Full time, in state tuition: $37,869

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $49,764

Total enrollment: 986

University of Minnesota

No. 5: University of Massachusetts – Worcester

Full time, in state tuition: $8,352

Full time, out-of-state tuition: N/A

Total enrollment: 518

Medical School

No. 4: University of California at San Francisco

Full time, in state tuition: $32,106

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $44,351

Total enrollment: 632

University of California San Francisco Medical School

No. 3: Oregon Health and Science University

Full time, in state tuition: $38,428

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $53,596

Total enrollment: 528

OHSU Medical School

No. 2: University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Full time, in state tuition: $17,537

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $44,416

Total enrollment: 811

UNC Chapel Hill

Best Medical School in 2014: University of Washington

Full time, in state tuition: $29,958

Full time, out-of-state tuition: $58,947

Total enrollment: 918

Best medical schools