Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America

What are the top 10 snack foods consumed in America? If you love to snack like I do, then you will surely enjoy this list that tells us something about Americans’ eating habits. And if you are more of a “sweet tooth” person, then you can also check out our other “food list” about countries that consume most ice cream.

Let’s get started with the snacks. What is the first thought that crosses your mind when you think of snacks? An unhealthy diet? Well, that probably depends on the person. Those who have a healthy diet are probably thinking about healthy food snacks like fruit and nuts, but those who don’t pay too much attention to what they eat are probably thinking of chips and candy bars. So, are we saying that chips and candy bars are unhealthy, whereas only fruit and nuts are a healthy choice for a snack? Well, in this time when new “healthy diet pyramids” are being discovered almost every minute and one diet-related theory suppresses the other, it would be very brave to say that something is ultimately (un)healthy. First of all, not all of us have the same nutrient requirements – an athlete, such as an Ironman champion and a kid in the first grade could never have the same diet. Also, it is very important to understand that in order to have a balanced diet you need to know how to combine food. For example, it is a not a well known fact that fruits are food that should be eaten alone and on an empty stomach. Why is that? Because it is the only appropriate way for them to be eaten in order to absorb all the nutrients, such as vitamins, that are in the fruit. When the fruit, which is made of simple carbohydrates, is combined with another food (meat – protein, or potatoes – complex carbohydrates), the gastric juices necessary for digesting these “heavier foods” will make the fruit rot in your stomach. Yes, you read that right. And this is only one of the many “food secrets” our ancestors in prehistoric times didn’t have to worry about. But today, when we have all kinds of food at our disposal all the time, there are things we should really learn in order to keep our bodies healthy. Unfortunately, there are too many different theories that just mentioning some would go beyond the scope of this article. So, let’s get back to our main topic – snacks in America.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America

marilyn barbone/

We have found information about the top 10 snack foods consumed in America from the 2015 Study of America’s consumption of fruit and vegetables done by Produce for Better Health Foundation. They counted as a snack food every food that is usually thought of as a snack, no matter when it was consumed. Next to every snack on this list is a percentage, indicating how often it was eaten on snacky occasions. We present them in reverse order, starting from the snack least consumed to finish with the snack food most consumed in America in 2015.

Let’s grab a bite! I mean, let’s take a look…

10. Crackers 3%

Do you prefer your cracker with peanut butter or with a slice of cheese? Either way – count the calories before you say that your scale is not working right.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Crackers

9. Bars 4%

There are many types of bars – energy bars, protein bars, etc. Some of them are actually very nutrient, and that is why sportsmen are often consuming them. If you aren’t the type of person who exercises that much, feel free to skip them.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Bars

Binh Thanh Bui/

8. Cookies 4%

Oh, those crumbly chocolate cookies, mmm! Don’t they make your mouth water? Just forget about the sugar and calories.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Cookies

7. Nuts 5%

Well, nuts are perhaps the healthiest snack food on this list of Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America up to now. They are full of minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats. Just be careful if you are consuming them with different toppings, a lot of salt, and other unnecessary destroyers of a healthy balanced diet. This is a good example how one thing that is truly healthy and rich in many vital nutrients can become unhealthy. It is our own fault.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Nuts

6. Ice-cream 5%

OK, who can say “no” to ice-cream?! Dairy product – a lot of fat and sugar – not really a good choice for a healthy snack.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Ice-cream

5. Breath Mints/Stripes 5%

I know what you are thinking – that is not food, that is not even a snack, it is just a breath mint. Ok, that sounds quite natural, but do you really think there isn’t any sugar in them, or even worse – those artificial, non-saccharide sweeteners? Besides that, every time when we start chewing on something or melting something in our mouth, our digestive system doesn’t know that we don’t consider it to be a snack. It just starts processing it.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Breath Mints/Stripes

4. Chips 8%

How can you watch a movie without a bag of chips? Or go through a party without this delicious salty snacks? Well, you can if you have enough strength of character.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Chips

3. Gum 10%

You are probably thinking the same thing you were thinking for breath mints (it is not a food), but once again we have an explanation for it – don’t forget that the first phase of digestion starts in our mouth! Also, many gums contain one of the unhealthiest artificial sweeteners –  aspartame. Never heard of it? It is time to learn something about it – it will help you stop this unhealthy ugly little habit of chewing gums.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Gum

2. Fruit 13%

Finally, one more food on this list, besides the nuts that can be considered as very healthy. But if you have read our introduction very carefully, you have learned that there is only one way to eat this food right and enjoy all the benefits of it. You have to eat it on an empty stomach and not combine it with any other type of food. You may think you’re already doing that, but research topics about healthy dieting and learn how much time it takes to process some food – there are foods that are digested for more than 5 hours. Yes, there is big science behind all of this.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Fruit

1. Candy 15%

I guess there are more people on this planet that like sweets than those who like salty snacks. Or maybe more candies are consumed because kids were involved in this study? Who knows? I know we are not that surprised to see that candy tops this list of top 10 snack foods consumed in America.

Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America - Candy

I hope you have learned at least something new with this article that has made you consider your eating habits.