The 9 Most Evil Female Serial Killers of All Time

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8. Jeanne Weber aka “The Ogress”

Born in France in 1874, “The Ogress” who ranks 8th in our list of the 9 most evil female serial killers of all time, reasonably earned her nickname by establishing herself as the meanest babysitter ever: she’d strangle with her own hands the children she was looking after, including family, and then make up seizures and attacks as an explanation.

Weber left her small fishing village when she was 14 and headed to Paris, where she soon met her husband to be and had four children, two of whom died under mysterious circumstances. Those were the first of many dubious events.

While babysitting her sister-in-law’s daughters, the youngest “fell ill” and died, but since the marks on her neck were ignored by everyone, she was asked back to babysit some days later. On that day “unexplained convulsions” claimed the life of the eldest child. Two weeks after that, she attempted to strangle her seven-year-old niece but failed, so the following day she returned to complete her task, and the girl died of “diphtheria”. Her brother followed shortly after. Seriously, where the parents at?

It was a few months later that two of her sisters-in-law returned early from shopping for groceries, only to find psyched out Jeanne crouched over her 10-year-old nephew, hands wrapped around his neck while he gasped for air. Jeanne, definitely one of the 9 most evil female serial killers of all time, was charged with the murder of 8 children, but skillfully depicted by her lawyer as a grieving mother (even though two of the charges concerned her own children), she was acquitted by the jury.

After that she twice changed her name, moved cities, and killed (or tried to kill) several children, but was never formally charged. She later returned to Paris, where she worked as a prostitute for a period of time before getting married. She was then caught while trying to choke the innkeeper’s son and was finally trialed, declared insane, and locked up in an Asylum, where she hung herself two years later.

The 9 Most Evil Female Serial Killers of All Time


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