The 5 Reasons Why You’re Single and Miserable

I’m sure you are dying to find out the reasons why you’re single. Let me start by saying this: you’re not fat, you’re not too old, you’re not too skinny and you’re not any other reason you may think you are single. The fact is that you are just as good and deserving of a partner as anyone else; you just might need to work on some of your deeper personal aspects. Furthermore, though you may feel as if you’re the last single specimen on earth, you are definitely not. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics over half the population in America is single. You might be lonely, but you are certainly not alone.

RReasons Why You’re Single

In compiling this countdown we decided to rank the most common but profound explanations for finding yourself without a significant other, rather than just listing a myriad of superficial arguments. Mind you, this is in no way a comprehensive list; it’s only a glimpse into the endless catalog that could justify your current situation. However, if you’re looking for a more concrete tool to help you get a boyfriend or girlfriend, take a look at our list of The 26 Best Colleges to Find a Good Husband.

Let’s take a look at the countdown and find out the reasons why you’re single.

5. You’re Still Waiting for “The One”

Enough with the childish dream of the perfect mate that fulfills every demand on your list. It’s time you lowered your expectations to a realistic level. In no way does this mean you should settle with the first person that comes your way; rather, you should get your nose out of that romance novel and face real life. You are being too hard on others because your standards are too high, whether they are physical, intellectual, religious or moral. Human beings are naturally flawed, and that’s what makes us beautiful as well. Are you perfect? No. And if people expected from you, what you expect from others, you’d likely never find anyone to take you either. Relationships are about accepting and even loving those flaws in others; about meeting half way, about making compromises. It might be time for you to start giving in. Get realistic or you’ll be waiting forever for a person that you’ll likely never find.

Now that you’re not looking for the perfect partner, check out the other reasons why you’re single on the following pages, and prepare yourself for them.

4. You Aren’t Comfortable in Your Own Skin

If you don’t like yourself, how will anyone else like you? It’s as simple as that. By this I do not mean that you should get on a diet, run to the nearest surgeon and get an appointment for plastic surgery, or get a makeover. On the contrary, you should learn to appreciate yourself just the way God intended you to be, with all your blessings and your flaws. My advice? Stand in front of the nearest mirror, take a long honest and unbiased look at yourself and find those little perfect things that make you beautiful. Love yourself and you’ll be loved by others.

3. You’re Not Really Putting Yourself Out There

You are constantly complaining to your friends about how there aren’t any decent people out there, yet the fact is, you’re not really out there are you? Your prince or princess won’t be able to sweep you off your feet while you’re sitting in your house all day. Nothing in life comes easy, you have to make an effort if you want something, and the same rule applies to a relationship. Stop wondering where they are, and go out and find them, because they’re everywhere; you have just have to want to find them.

2. You’re Still Stuck on Your Ex

Denial, denial, denial. You assure everyone that you are over your ex, but it’s about time to face the music and admit it: you’re still hung up on him/her.  The fact is that you will continue being single unless you really put yourself to the hard work that recovering from a breakup involves. Chances are that you aren’t going the extra mile with anyone because you’re still thinking about your past lover. Moreover, memories tend to be idealized, so you’re probably comparing every single person that comes your way to a romanticized version of your ex, which no one can live up to. Even if no one in the world is truly as good as your ex, the fact is your ex is gone. It’s time to stop living in the past, get over them and move on.

1. You Don’t Really Want a Relationship at All

Are you absolutely sure that you want a relationship? Just consider this possibility: you might think you want something serious because everyone else around you has it. Being single doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re miserable, crying yourself to sleep every night, and spending all your weekends with Netflix. Going out with your friends, dedicating to your work and enjoying your independence fully are totally satisfactory activities for many people, and can be very fulfilling lives. Don’t feel obligated to go the marriage/family route if it’s not REALLY what you want out of your life. It’s your life, and you shouldn’t feel any pressure from your family or society at large to conform to a certain standard of living. In conclusion, the fact that you’re single may not be a bad thing at all, but rather, because you enjoy being single, even if you haven’t really accepted that fact yet; and there’s nothing wrong with that. Accept it and be happy with the life you want for yourself.