The 10 Most Deadly Diseases in the World Today

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No. 9 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Everyone knows smoking isn’t good for your health. Among other illnesses, it can produce several respiratory system diseases and cancers, such as lungs, trachea or mouth cancer. The most terrible thing about lung cancer is that even non-smokers are at risk of contracting this cancer. Approximately 3,000 non-smoking adults are estimated to die each year from lung cancer, from just breathing smoke as passive smokers.

Both men and women are affected equally by this cancer, and it is certainly one of the deadliest diseases out there. COPD is among the most common forms of lung disease, and it not only obstructs breathing but also produces a constant cough. COPD can be chronic bronchitis or emphysema, which produces the destruction of the lungs over time.

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