Roswell UFO Conspiracy and 5 Other Alien Conspiracy Theories

4. Ancient astronauts

The theory of the ancient astronauts goes a long way back. People have believed in these creatures for a very long time, and it’s usually when we’re talking about extraterrestrial beings influencing history that we’re referring to these ancient astronauts.

It is believed that these aliens brought their technologies and helped humans with various issues. For instance, since no one can truly explain how the pyramids were built all those millennia ago, the Egyptian must have had help from aliens, right? The same can be said about Stonehenge, the statues on the Easter Island and so on. Basically, anything in the old world that cannot be explained because we cannot comprehend the technologies at use back then must have been the result of alien interference.

There are people who believe that these ancient astronauts are also the ones who have inspired the world’s religions. Basically, they flew down to Earth, and the humans of the time were so in awe of what they could do that they believed them to be Gods. Even Jesus is being considered an alien by some, so there’s that.

petroglyph-153842_1280 Roswell UFO Conspiracy and 5 Other Alien Conspiracy Theories