9 Highest Paying Countries for Pharmacists

5. United Kingdom

Average Salary of A Pharmacist- $65 K

According to the Pharmacist Salary Survey conducted by Hunter Human Capital, a licensed Pharmacist in the UK can make about $65k a year. Among the 9 highest paying countries for pharmacists, UK is in the fifth position. However, the pay package increases modestly for the first five to seven years. But, if an experienced pharmacist comes with the degree of People Management, the pay increases rapidly. Before you apply for the state registration for working as a pharmacist in this country, you have to successfully pass the Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Program. Qualified Pharmacists outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) or a non-EEA national with an EEA pharmacist qualification (other than a UK-recognized pharmacist qualification) also have to sit for this test.

Highest Paying Countries for Pharmacists
