8 States with the Most Fluoridated Water in the US

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In this article, we list and discuss the top 8 States with the Most Fluoridated Water in the US. If you would like to see our detailed discussion of the fluoridation history and how it’s important today, you can go to the 20 States with the Most Fluoridated Water in the US instead.

8. Maryland

Population served by CWS that have fluoridated water (%): 93.70%

Located in the middle regions of the Atlantic areas of the US, Maryland is a US state that borders important states like Pennsylvania. It is home to over 6,180,253 people, and most of these people have access to high-quality water. According to CDC data, 4,709,311 people in Maryland receive water through the community water systems, and 4,410,410 of these receive fluoridated water.

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