8 Most Expensive Van Gogh Paintings

8. Les Alyscamps

Sold for $66 million (original price at the time $66.3 million) 

Painted in 1888

We’ll  start our list of most expensive Van Gogh paintings with maybe one of the lesser known pieces by Van Gogh, named Les Alyscamps, which actually represents a pair of paintings. Back in 2003, one of the paintings from this series was sold for $11.77 million, but, another one, auctioned in May last year, reached an amazing $66 million. The picture depicts the beauty of the autumn colors of poplars in the Alyscamps,  an ancient Roman necropolis in Arles, aligned with stone sarcophagi. What is interesting about this painting is that it was created during the period when Van Gogh worked together with Paul Gauguin, who also has created his version of Les Alyscamps.