8 Fastest, Most Advanced Russian Fighter Jets

5. Sukhoi Su-34

In service: 2014
Speed: Mach 1.8+

We are continuing our list of fastest, most advanced Russian fighter jets with Sukhoi Su-34 that is another project from the Soviet era that saw fruition in Putin’s Russia, benefiting from the high oil prices in the early 2000s. The fighter-bomber is praised as one of the most successful designs in Sukhoi history. Based on Su-27, the jet has a distinctive duck beak-like nose cone, for housing various radar and targeting equipment. Unlike other fighters, its cabin has enough space for the two pilots to get out of their seats, stretch their legs end even lie down. This was deemed important by the designers since one of the plane’s missions is long range strikes against enemy targets. Su-34 saw action for the first time in Syria, with huge success.