7 Poorest Cities in California

7. Stockton City

Total population: 302,389

Number of people living below poverty line: 83,367

Percent of population living below poverty line: 28.1

In 2011, Stockton city ranked first on Forbes list Most Miserable cities, while Wallethub named it the worst place to find a job in 2016. Median household income of $40,993 is almost $13,000 less than the national average, while African Americans are the most economically disadvantaged group. Almost half of all black people living in the city qualify as poor, which doesn’t come as a surprise given the fact that median household income among the group is little more than $22,000. In 2012, the city declared bankruptcy which led to numerous cuts across services, reduction in health benefits and pensions. Four years later things are improving as the city has managed to ensure significant budget surplus.

7 Poorest Cities in California

FEMA/ Michael Raphael