7 Most Successful Independent Rappers in the World

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It takes a great deal to become one of the 7 most successful independent rappers in the world. Only a handful of aspiring artists really succeed whether it is through mainstream outlets or the independent scene. A lot of hip-hop artists, in general, don’t like the current trends on mainstream rap as it shies away from the essence of the genre. Many describe rap as a form of activism, a way to express, rather than a means to make money.

As such, a lot of rappers, not wanting to be limited to record companies, produce music independently and hope to succeed in the saturated market. The artists on this list have found a significant amount of success and promoted their type of music despite all odds. They’ve either released music that became successful or have been made popular through the independent scene which boosted them to mainstream popularity. Other rappers also venture beyond music and have found success through other means, such as the 13 rappers who own successful clothing lines.

7 Most Successful Independent Rappers in the World

silvano audisio/Shutterstock.com

What measures their success? While we can look at a variety of ways to measure it, one of the true measurable factors we can look to is their current wealth. The amount of money they gained through their independent music is a good indication of how much they’ve succeeded in the industry. The higher their net worth, the more likely it is that their music and projects have gained success. To have a better and comparable data, we take a look at websites such as Celebrity Net Worth and Net Worth Tomb which does research on the net worth of these rappers, among many others.

Do take into account that we do not consider rap groups, duos or trios in this list of most successful independent rappers in the world. This is a list of individual rappers as their net worth is easily measurable, unlike groups. Many of the rap groups that exist also have solo careers with the group as a means to propel their individual names. With that in mind, let’s look further into the 7 most successful independent rappers in the world:

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