7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History


6. Andrew Jackson

We are continuing our list of most sexually active presidents in American history with Andrew Jackson that was married to Rachel Robards, a woman that has already been married to a violent and angry man. Things were complicated when she thought her first husband had filed for divorce and she married Jackson, yet the paperwork was unfinished. This caused the Jacksons to need an annulment and then to remarry. Later this brought accusations of infidelity, attacks on her character, and a smear campaign around the country. The stress from the 1928 election and the scandal it caused during the 1928 election may have contributed to her death later that same year. Yet, they were said to have truly been in love. Jackson even fought and killed a newspaper man in a duel over an attack on Rachel’s honor.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

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