7 Most Affordable Veterinary Schools in the US

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1. Texas A&M University – Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science

One year tuition for non-residents: $ 33,662

The award-winning faculty of this university is well known which explains why a lot of people would like to enter this school in order to get the type of education that they feel they deserve. This school has a reputation for providing excellent education and can be highly beneficial. One thing that can make it complicated for people who are trying to get in is that there are only a few out of state students accepted into this school. Most of the students accepted are still from Texas, and their tuition is also very affordable – $22,224.

 Most Affordable Veterinary Schools in the US

Lucky Business/Shutterstock.com

These are just some of the most affordable veterinary schools in the US that people can apply to and hopefully study Veterinary education to reach their dreams of becoming animal doctors.

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