7 Best Online Programs For Special Needs Students

4. Time4Learning – Review Score: 16

Founded in 2003, Time4Learning, that ranked 4th on our list of best online programs for special needs students provides a comprehensive curriculum from elementary to high school. The program includes lesson plans, automated reporting, and homeschool resources. They have a curriculum for special needs students that help build and reinforce reading, writing, and math learning. The programs are individually set for each child and the student progresses at his or her own rate. Children with ADHD-like behavior may struggle with textbooks and non-interactive environment but with Time4Learning engaging programs, they can become more focused and successful in learning.

They have a fixed tuition fee of $19.95 monthly per student from PreK to 8th Grade. From 9th Grade to 12th Grade the cost is $30 monthly per student. Time4Learning offers language arts from K to 5th Grade including phonics, fluency, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing processes, and more. They also have a math curriculum which covers number theory, value and meaning, measurement, geometry, number sense, geometry, spatial reasoning, data analysis, probability, pre-algebra, and more from PreK to 8th Grade. With their comprehensive coverage and affordable fees, Time4Learning is indeed one of the 7 best online programs for special needs students.

7 Best Online Programs For Special Needs Students
