7 Best Board Games for Children with Autism

2. Candyland

At the second place on our list of best board games for children with autism, we have the game that is suitable for young children because it requires minimal counting skills. It is a racing board game where the players race to find the lost King of Candy Land. Players take turns in removing the cards from the stack and matching, then, moving their marker to the next space of that color. The game is won by a player who first reaches the final square thus reaching the Candy Castle. This game teaches turn taking and it is good that it does not rely on verbal communication which often represents a difficulty for the majority of children with autism spectrum disorder. Instead, it relies on visual recognition. However one of the problems that this game might raise is the fact that the winner is more or less decided by luck rather than logic. Because of this, an autistic child can be frustrated because of his/her inability to control the outcome of the game. You can also read the experience of Susan Senator who started playing this game with her autistic son. Walmart price for this game is around $10.39.