6 States with Highest Female to Male Ratio in the US

In this article, we list and discuss the 6 States with the Highest Female to Male Ratio in the US. If you would like to see our detailed discussion of the topic, you can instead go to 15 States with Highest Female to Male Ratio in the US.

6. Georgia

Females to Males Ratio (per 100 males): 104.93

Sixth on the list, Georgia has the sixth-highest female-to-male ratio in the US as of 2024. In the state, women make up 51.2% of the total population, which stands at around 11 million. However, despite the gender ratio being in favor of females, the state still has a gender wage gap of $0.18, where for every dollar earned, women make 18 cents less than men, according to the National Women’s Law Center.  

5. Maryland

Females to Males Ratio (per 100 males): 105.15

With abundant waterways and extensive coastlines, Maryland sits in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. It has a population of over 6.1 million, with females making up 51.3% of the population. According to the Census data, 62.7% of females in Maryland are part of the labor force. In our other ranking, Maryland is ranked among the top 5 richest states in the US, having a per capita income of $49,865 and a median household income of $98,461.

4. South Carolina

Females to Males Ratio (per 100 males): 105.60

Ranked 4th, South Carolina is a state known for its shoreline of subtropical beaches and marshlike sea islands. According to Census 2023 estimates, the state is home to 5,373,555 people, of which over 2.7 million are females, making up 51.3% of the total population. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics report of 2022, female full-time wage workers and salary-based employees had median weekly earnings of $841, while male workers had median weekly earnings of $1,016. Compared to males, females in South Carolina make 17.2% less.

3. Delaware

Females to Males Ratio (per 100 males): 105.93

A small mid-Atlantic state on the Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware is the sixth-most densely populated state in the country with a population of 508 people per square mile. The state is home to around 1 million people of which females represent 51.4%. Delaware is one of the most entrepreneur-friendly states in the US as well, where 42.2% of businesses are owned by women, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, while according to the Census Bureau, 58.3% of women are in the labor force. 

2. Mississippi

Females to Males Ratio (per 100 males): 106.04

Ranked second on the list, Mississippi is a southern US state with a population of over 2.9 million people. It has the second-highest female-to-male ratio among the US states, and women comprise 51.4% of the total population. Out of these 53.6% are part of the labor force, with a median usual weekly earnings of $751, which is 17.1% less than their male counterparts. Overall, Mississippi is ranked as the poorest state in the US, with a per capita income of $29,045. 

1. Alabama

Females to Males Ratio (per 100 males): 106.16

Topping the list, Alabama is a southeastern US state known for its scenic coastal beaches, agriculture industry, and southern hospitality. With a female population of 51.4%, Alabama is the state with the highest female-to-male ratio in the United States. Although there are more females in the state, it is ranked as the fourth-worst state in the US for women’s safety and economic and social well-being. Also, only 52.8% of the female population is part of the labor force. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics report also shows that full-time women employees made 20.2% less than men in 2022.

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