6 States with Highest Female to Male Ratio in the US

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In this article, we list and discuss the 6 States with the Highest Female to Male Ratio in the US. If you would like to see our detailed discussion of the topic, you can instead go to 15 States with Highest Female to Male Ratio in the US.

6. Georgia

Females to Males Ratio (per 100 males): 104.93

Sixth on the list, Georgia has the sixth-highest female-to-male ratio in the US as of 2024. In the state, women make up 51.2% of the total population, which stands at around 11 million. However, despite the gender ratio being in favor of females, the state still has a gender wage gap of $0.18, where for every dollar earned, women make 18 cents less than men, according to the National Women’s Law Center.  

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