6 Highest Rated Mattresses for Back Pain

6. Serta – Perfect sleeper Edinburgh Super

This is a mattress that combines gel memory foam and an innerspring layer buried somewhere within the 12-inch design. The Serta Perfect Sleeper is the official mattress of the National Sleep Foundation and it apparently ticks off the needed issues to resolve five common sleep problems – undisturbed sleep, pressure relieving comfort, balanced sleeping temperature, preventative roll-off, sagging, and, most importantly, proper back support.

This mattress received 4 stars out of 5 on Choose Mattress and it has a decent price. At the time of publishing the list price for the queen size is of $1,900, but there’s a deduction and you can get it for $659 on Amazon. 55 percent of the people who reviewed on Amazon offered 5 stars.

pillows-1031079_1280 6 Highest Rated Mattresses for Back Pain