6 Hardest Instruments to Play for Kids in an Orchestra

6. Piano

Unlike in the past, today,  most of the symphony orchestras have a pianist. Although it is not one of the must-have instruments in an orchestra, piano found its place on our list. This acoustic and stringed instrument was invented in 1700. Back in the days, the strings were struck by hammers and it is played on a row of small levers called a keyboard. Piano is one of the crucial instruments in many music genres like rock, folk, jazz blues and classical music. Many composers used the piano keyboard because it produces complex melodic and harmonic interplay. Today, there are many techniques for piano playing and it is one of the hardest instruments to play. However, if a child has the will to learn how to play piano, it will also learn a lot about music theory and history.

Popova Valeriya/Shutterstock.com

Popova Valeriya/Shutterstock.com