6 Hardest Fields of Law to Practice


3. Family Law

Family Law is not technically difficult, or so the lawyers who practice it say. Family Law, according to the ABA section dedicated to it, comprises “adoption, divorce, custody, military law, alternative families and elder law.”

Obviously, divorces play a substantial part in this job. This is why we chose Family Law to join this list of hardest fields of law to practice. Not because of the technicality of the fields but because of the human side.

It may not be the hardest field to practice in the books, but dealing with human emotions all day is far from being the easiest job in the world.

Have you ever seen a custody battle go wrong? Who do you think will be at the receiving end? The lawyer, more often than not.

As a Family lawyer, you will be a friend, a fierce fighter for the divorcee you represent; and if it goes sideways, you’ll also be first in line to get angry calls.

Hardest Fields of Law to Practice
