6 Easiest Countries To Apply For Immigration As A Gay Couple

If you are looking for a new country to call home, check out our list of 6 easiest countries to apply for immigration as a gay couple.

If the gay rights agenda is less of a priority for you when deciding where you should move, also feel free to check out our list of easiest countries to immigrate to.

Gay marriage has been a very widely-discussed and debated topic around the world for decades. Many countries still persecute homosexual people, especially if they are open about having a same-sex partner. Fortunately, many countries have become safe havens for homosexual couples looking for a new home. All of these countries also offer a very high standard of living, and many are regarded as cultural meccas and are very beautiful.

In order to research this topic, we referenced MetaFilter and Quora. They provided wonderful information, first on the easiest countries to immigrate to generally, then on which countries are the best for gay couples specifically. Now, let’s see our list of easiest countries to apply for immigration as a gay couple.

6. Australia

Temporary and Permanent Visas should be applied for at the same by gay couples planning to move to Australia.  There are also regulations that must be followed, like being together for the twelve months prior to the application process, and proving that the relationship is genuine and aimed for the long term.

6 Easiest Countries To Apply For Immigration As A Gay Couple

Taras Vyshnya/Shutterstock.com

5. New Zealand

For gay couples wanting to move to New Zealand, they must satisfy immigration that they are really together, having a harmonious relationship, and that it is meant to be long-term.  You can also utilize a sponsor, as long as they meet requirements (such as not having any criminal record).

4. Germany

Germany, the next on our list of easiest countries to apply for immigration as a gay couple has long been a refuge for same sex partners that are not accepted in other countries.  You and your partner can fairly easily both obtain a Visa granting you the ability to work or study there.  The immigration policies in Germany are aimed to allow you to be with your partner.

6 Easiest Countries To Apply For Immigration As A Gay Couple


3. The Netherlands

Same sex couples and opposite sex couples have equal rights when it comes to immigration to the Netherlands.  To make the process easier, it would be wise to have one member of the couple attain legal residence and petition for their partner later on. The Netherlands is definitely an easy country to immigrate to when keeping the safety and happiness of your gay partnership in mind.

6 Easiest Countries To Apply For Immigration As A Gay Couple


2. Denmark

Denmark that ranked second on our list of easiest countries to apply for immigration as a gay couple was the first country to recognize same-sex partnership.  For same sex couple who are non residents in Denmark, a Danish permanent resident can serve as your sponsor, so that you can easily move into the country as long as you meet the basic requirements needed.

1. Canada

Gay couples planning to move to Canada can apply under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or the amended Civil Marriage Act, especially if you are from a country that persecutes gay couples.  You and your partner can also apply for a work permit, and then later work on processing your permanent stay in Canada.

6 Easiest Countries To Apply For Immigration As A Gay Couple

Richard Cavalleri/Shutterstock.com

Thank you for reading our list of 6 easiest countries to apply for immigration as a gay couple. Keep all of these safe havens in mind when planning your upcoming move.