6 Boarding Schools in Europe That Offer Scholarships

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1. TASIS England

Slightly in front of our number 2, on the top of the 6 Boarding Schools in Europe that offer Scholarships is the American School in England, or shorter TASIS. Located in and around London, this magnificent school was founded in 1976, in the village of Thorpe, Surrey, southwest of London. What made us choose this boarding school as the winner, is the INPRO, or “in-program” the TASIS offers. Just to clarify what the INPRO is, it is also called a travel week, during October, when students get the chance to travel (if they wish) to various countries throughout the world. France, Ireland, Spain, Morocco, Russia, Germany, are just some of the past destinations. One of the most successful international and American schools in London attracts many candidates with its robotics, engineering and computer technology classes. The yearly tuition for boarding students stands at $42,500. Anyone who studies at TASIS, will be surrounded by a supportive community and a family atmosphere.

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