6 Best Homeschool Curriculum and Online Resources for Asperger’s and High-functioning Autism

4. ACE® ( The Autism Curriculum Encyclopedia)

We are continuing our list of best homeschool curriculum and online resources for Asperger’s and high function autism with the ACE that is a complete autism education package designed to provide educators with an ABA-based program. They offer a customizable curriculum with lessons covering everything from the basic skills such as matching and identifying pictures to more complex ones like solving equations and editing paragraphs. Their software contains the most comprehensive curriculum database from which you can choose the perfect curriculum for your child.  The main strength of this program (besides a number of teaching materials) is that it focuses on the strengths of persons with autism spectrum disorder. You can find more information on their official website.

6 Best Homeschool Curriculum and online resources for Asperger's and High-functioning Autism
