5 States With the Most Expensive Gas in the US

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In this article, we are going to discuss the 5 states with the most expensive gas in the US. If you want to check out our detailed analysis of the global oil and gas market, the reason why gas is so cheap in the U.S., the recent uptick in gas prices this summer, the transition to biorefineries, and the role of artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry, head to 15 States With the Most Expensive Gas in the US.

5. Oregon

Price of Gas per Gallon: $4.283

Although Oregon has a much lower gas tax ($0.38 per gallon) than its neighboring Washington – one reason why the state has a harder time funding highway and bridge improvements – it still has high pump prices largely because of the state’s ban on self-serve gas. Stations need employees to pump gas for drivers in the Beaver State and have to charge more at the pump to cover the labor cost. On top of that, 35 cities and counties in Oregon add their own tax.

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