5 States That Have Trouble with Student Loan Payments

In this article, we will take a look at the 5 states that have trouble with student loan payments. If you wish to see our detailed analysis, you can go to 25 States That Have Trouble with Student Loan Payments.

5. Kansas

Percent of Student Loan Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent: 0.91%

The state of Kansas struggles with student loan payments. As reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,  0.91% of the student loan debt balance in the state was overdue by more than 90 days.

4. Hawaii

Percent of Student Loan Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent: 0.99%

The student loan balance per capita in Hawaii is $4,070. The state also has trouble with student loan payments since it has a student loan delinquency rate of 0.99%.

3. Mississippi

Percent of Student Loan Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent: 1.02%

As of the fourth quarter of 2023, Mississippi has a total student loan debt balance of $6,330 per capita. The state’s student loan delinquency rate is the third highest among all US states.

2. Arkansas

Percent of Student Loan Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent: 1.14%

Arkansas ranks second among states where student loan payments are a burden. The state has a student loan delinquency rate of 1.14%, as of 2023’s fourth quarter.

1. Montana

Percent of Student Loan Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent: 1.19%

Montana ranks at the top of the 25 states that have trouble with student loan payments. As of the fourth quarter of 2023, the percentage of student loan debt balance overdue by more than 90 days in the state was 1.19%.

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