5 New World Order Conspiracy Theories that Will Strangle the World

New World Order conspiracy theories are arguably some of the top conspiracy theories of modern times. In fact, that idea that we’re all being overseen by an invisible organization or force maliciously guiding humanity towards a future that will see them installed as our masters and in control of every aspect of humanity is now so ingrained in our culture that it’s almost half-accepted as a fact.


Yet for all that, conspiracy theories have been around virtually since the beginning of mankind, and there’s no denying several points: that man has a burning desire to know everything and will actively invent the answers to questions he does not have the answers for, and that man has a very wild imagination. In the case of conspiracies like New World Order conspiracy theories, it’s probable that man’s imagination is giving far too much credit to the intellect and clout of the people making up these secret groups.

Basically speaking, it is believed that the New World Order is somewhat of an elitist secret group, controlling much of the world’s finances and politics, that eventually plans on taking it over. While conspiracy theories regarding this alleged group are a dime a dozen, today we would like to focus on some of the most popular.

If you would like to find out more about the New World Order and everything it supposedly stands for, we suggest you read our coverage on the Top 5 New World Order Facts. But for the time being, let’s focus on our countdown of five New World Order conspiracy theories.

No.5 : The H.G Wells Prediction

What most of us might not know is that references to the New World Order were being made as early as the 1920s, when author H.G. Wells published his work entitled The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution, in which he mentioned the idea of setting up an order that would resist through generations. In 1940, he published the sequel, entitled The New World Order. Many seem to believe that the guidelines he set in these two books have nothing to do with fiction, but rather represent a prediction of what was about to ensue.

No. 4: The Bohemian Grove

The Bohemian Club allegedly owns a campground somewhere in Sonoma California, where every year a group of powerful and influential people meet up and apparently plan something. What exactly? Well, according to people in the know (or at least who think they are), they plan on making this organization a tangible reality.

No. 3: Mass surveillance

Given last year’s revelations regarding the NSA and Edward Snowden, this is one of the most believable of the five New World Order conspiracy theories. Basically, the New World Order is believed of being behind a massive project intended to keep tabs on the population: by accessing private accounts, listening to phone conversations, or tracking Internet activity. This would eventually culminate with every human being being implanted with an electronic chip and tracking device at birth, and their locations and actions being monitored at all times.

No. 2: The weather control conspiracy

There are those who believe that governments are actively trying to control the weather and our environment. More specifically, this process, which allegedly is being controlled by the New World Order, uses chemical spraying so as to create disruptions in the ionosphere, thus controlling weather patterns. The result? Anything from the melting of the Arctic Circle to the formation of deadly hurricanes.

No. 1: Post-humans

One of the most far-fetched and sci-fi-based of the five New World Order conspiracy theories is the one related to the creation of a new breed, referred to as the posthumans. This breed would be designed as some sort of superhumans, equipped with artificial intelligence and powers beyond our comprehension. Those knowledgable of this conspiracy theory believe that the first posthumans will be integrated in the most inner circles of the New World Order, from where they will be eventually be able to take over the world.